Tips Resistance Training Advice for Six Pack

When it comes to achieving a six pack, your exercise regime is easily as important as your nutrition and so I have a few essential six pack tips I want to give you about resistance training.

You see while many of us do have quite decent abs hidden under a layer of fat, if you want the best stomach possible you’re really going to have to put some effort into your resistance training.

Just to calrify – by resistance training what I mean is the use of resistance – such as weights – to work your stomach hard and so encourage your abs to grow – thus producing an impressive six pack. Because whilst cardio is important to burn off your excess fat, you also need to be putting the effort into toning and growing your abs if you really are going to get the six pack of your dreams.

The first and biggest tip I can give you is to get rid of sit-ups and instead replace them with crunches. Sit-ups, whilst popular, do little to really put the stomach under pressure. And an exercise that is hard to do is the sort of exercise which really builds muscle.

Crunches, when done properly, are tough, and are the sort of exercise that really tests your stamina and helps you build a six pack as quickly as possible.

To carry out a crunch, lie down on your back as if you were going to do a sit-up. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor which placing your hands by the side of your head. Now you’re ready.

To carry out the crunch, tense your stomach muscles and slowly raise your head and neck up off the ground. Hold for a second, and then slowly let yourself back down again. That’s all there is to it, and while it sounds simple, if you keep your stomach tensed throughout you should struggle to do many more than 10 in a row without a break.